Jessie is a super sweet girl who needs a special home. She has an old injury which affects her back leg, so she hops about on the three good ones … It doesn’t stop her getting around, but anyone wanting to adopt her needs to be aware it’s a permanent thing ❤️
Jessie is very gentle and will eat from your hand. She’s timid, but ok with other dogs she knows. She’s had a hard life on the street, and the cold weather coming in is harsh enough for any dog to survive, let alone one with Jessie’s disability 🐾
Other than the leg Jessie is fit and healthy … it doesn’t cause her any issues, and we’re currently vaccinating her so she can travel to wherever we find her a loving home. If you’re interested to know more about Jessie please get in touch 🙏🏼

Name: Jessie
Gender: Female
Age: A few years old
Vaccinations & passport: In progress
Neutered: ?
Location: Still on the street
OK with kids: ?
OK with other dogs: ?
OK with other cats: ?
Likes: ?
Dislikes: ?