- October 11, 2020December 15, 2020
- by Marlies
6 months ago today this page was set up in the hope that we could make things just a little bit better for the Bansko Street Dogs.
Today thanks goes to each and every person who has helped in any way, – whether you volunteered with the dogs, sent donations of money, food and supplies, worked on fundraising, social media, or helped in some other way – your support is the reason we have been able to help the dogs that we have, and the reason we can keep going.
We’ve had various numbers of volunteers with varying degrees of help, and we do what we can for as many as we can. Sometimes people forget that volunteers give up their free time even though they have jobs, families and other commitments, and complain about how much more should be done. One thing that is common to all rescue is that there is ALWAYS more that can be done, it’s physically impossible to do everything – or even enough in some peoples eyes. The one thing we all have in common is we do what we do for the love of the dogs. We welcome help from anyone that has the good of the dogs in their heart, so instead of wasting time telling us we’re not good enough come along and use that energy walking a dog, training a puppy, clearing up the poop, doing a vet trip, doing some fundraising..!
We’ve had 6 months of vet visits to neuter, treat for fleas/ticks/worms/infections, trips to specialists for x-rays and medication, papers served (and dealt with!), and so very much more!
In this time we’ve gotten 28 dogs to their forever homes around the world, and have 12 others currently being prepped with vaccines and passports ready to go to their homes next month too. Homing these dogs wasn’t the aim when we began – our priority was to neuter so less puppies are born onto the street and gradually the problem of these abandoned darlings will ease. So far more than 50 dogs you’ve helped have been neutered, or will be once they reach age thanks to the adoption contracts. What an incredible start – and we’ve only just begun!